There are so many rumors and unconfirmed information about 2020 Ford Bronco that we were not being sure which of them are true. However, the best way is to collect them all in one article and wait what of them will be confirmed next year. There is the information that new Bronco will look like other models made in Ford, but not précised which of them will be the most used in that case.
As we said, there should be similarities with the other models made in Ford when it is 2020 Ford Bronco about. It should not be similar to Ford F-150 anymore, and the most likely it goes closer to Ford Everest, which is already a proper SUV, made for the markets outside of US. However, it is not a lie if we say that some details will be taken from Ford Explorer, too. The most similarities, though, should be found in Ford Ranger. It is expected that Bronco will be squared, with sharp lines and flat hood and trunk, along with a few modern details and lights.
There is no information about the cabin in 2020 Ford Bronco. We know that it should follow the equipment that is already used on other Ford’s cars, but nothing is confirmed yet. As the matter of fact, the manufacturer has not wanted to confirm if they will make a famous two-seat model as old buyers were being able to buy.
As the 2020 Ford Bronco shares so many things with the Ford Ranger, there are reasons to believe that it will adopt its 2.3-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, too. The new information about possible seven-speed manual transmission teased us to expect attractive and very functional engine under the hood. It will be a real refreshment after the six-speed automatic one that old models had. The model should come as an all-wheel driving system, and also could be made in some kind of hybrid version, too.
2020 Ford Bronco Release Date and Price
Even though there are so many clues and rumors, we are sure that 2020 Ford Bronco will look like the popular Brazilian SUV Troller, or close to that. There are rumors that the new Bronco has been showed in the movie Rampage, where is made in cooperation with The Rock company. However, the manufacturer has not confirmed this information and we should not follow that track. Whatever it is, the first vehicle should be shown on next Detroit Auto Show, while the production and selling start from January 2019. Base model should have the price around $30,000.